Thursday, January 20, 2011


Friendship is something that everybody enjoys at least during some points in their lives. The ocean of life provides us with sets of friendships that roll in continually. The people we call friends come and go ebbing and flowing like the tides. The passing of time often changes the set of friends we have around during certain periods in our lives. Some people are lucky enough to have life long friendships that seem to withstand the test of time. These are the fortunates that most likely have not relocated as I have multiple times in my life. With every new opportunity, often a new set of friendships are made and, unfortunately, some are lost, simply a casualty of a new phase in life.

It doesn't necessarily need to be this way. They say that distance makes the heart grow fonder and I suppose this is true with certain friends. I for one am not especially good at staying in touch. It's the old out of sight out of mind scenario. I know that with today's technology we should be able to stay closer than ever before. Unfortunately, we have a tendency to be so tied up in the day to day routines of business and family life that our friends often take a back seat to spending quality time at our own households. Having said that, I'd like to take this opportunity to become better by being a better friend. So I'm going to try to do a better job of reaching out and just saying "Hi" to friends I haven't seen or heard from in years. I think the summer of 2010 was the first time I got onto Facebook. What a wonderful tool for finding and rekindling old relationships. It doesn't even matter if you're half way around the world, or just up the street. We can all afford the time it takes to log in and "poke" a few folks just to let them know you've been thinking of them.

I knew I was going to be writing about friendship today, so I decided to actually go down to my favorite watering hole and visit with a few friends that I haven't seen in awhile. It's hard to take the time to spend with friends when you have a lot of responsibilities, so it wouldn't make a lot of sense if I sat at home in my office and wrote this post about how great friendships are. If one of My friends from Tropics Lounge actually reads this post, do me a favor and hit the "Like" button would ya? At least that way I'll know there's actually someone out there who is taking the time to read this post as I bloviate et nauseum about friendship. I intend to be a better friend in 2011 and if you don't hear from me, let me know about it so I have a little accountability here. If you really want to live a life that's full, surround yourself with good friends and share in the experiences of the world.

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